Theories to the familynames LOLL and LULL

Till now, there already is not a very old name Loll an unequivocal proof of the origin and the meaning the. The written name of a man is meant. As you spoke within the centuries last on the whole and as a person was called has to be investigated still more difficult. Only from two letters the name allows many speculations. An early brand for this surname is the emergence of the alphabet in Palestine at 1500 B.C From this the Greek and the Latin alphabet in which the letters "L" and "O" happen result. Even this one is written conceivable name in the respective language as a symbol or Hieroglyphe. The name Loll is not from a place of residence or from the origin of one of the ancestors like most surnames (particularly in Germanic) from the name of a profession. Gives Germanic origin both unite Greek/Roman and unite for the name. At the investigations there are several ways once by the meaning of the name by means of linguistics and with the second by the use and his changes in the respective language or the dialect to discover the origin (Prosopogrfie). The name has a connection to an adjective in Germanic. This adjective always has the same or a similar meaning in the different ages and in different languages. (About the following row and 331 can be traced the word back cf. HEINTZE-CASCORBI S.257) up to the antiquity,

Loll heute
Lull heute
LUL Mittelalter
lut mhd.
hlut ahd.
(in)clutus lat.
clytos griech.

The Lat. adjective "inclutus" means "famous", i.e. "discussed", "much-cited", "widely known". (Forms of "clytos" stand and 690) cf. woods S.237: one hears "or" has heard of it "gloriously", i.e. "famous" "heard". (Cf. FRISK S.877. )
A very informative example is the notation the name lull, in "person names of the Middle Ages", Bavarian national library Munich 2000, records.

Ramon Lull Llull
Ramon Lull Lull
Ramon Lull Lullus Raimundus
Ramon Lull Lulle Raymond
Ramon Lull Raimundo Lulio
Lull(Erzbischof von Mainz) Lull
Lull(Erzbischof von Mainz) LUL
Lull(Erzbischof von Mainz) Lullus
Lull(Erzbischof von Mainz) Lulle (de Mayence)

With the romans the Gentilname or the epithet consists of the tribe Loll and the suffix ius or ianus. One finds "(H) lut" under Germanic forenames for loud or known. "(h)lut" is counted as one of the root of a word "people" cf. dtv atlas science of names of 1998 S.26) (with Max Gottschalk). There is two famous Lulls in the Middle Ages by which one can find very much out about the names Lull and Loll. the monk and later archbishop lived 710 - 786 of Mainz LUL. After he was canonized in 852 this one has taken place  "Loll's-Woche in Bad Hersfeld since this time every year in October. Frequent use of saint names already in the early one has Ma his for the distribution names worried. 1234-1315 lived Ramon Lull (Llull), the famous Catalan philosopher. He has written more than two hundred and fifty books. Ramon Lull lies buried by San Francisco in the church in Palma de Mallorca.  However, surnames have already earlier been derived from the word forms of the adjective, too.


With the romans their already gives "Lollii" many families and "gentes". Since they have dressed partly high offices, her story also is traditional. Here some: Bei den Römern gibt es schon sehr viele Familien und "gentes" der Lollii. Da sie zum Teil hohe Ämter bekleidet haben, ist ihre Geschichte auch überliefert. Hier einige:

Die Lollii werden als röm. plebeische Familie schon im 3. JH. v.Chr. bezeugt.
269 v.Chr.     Lollius der Samnite (Cassius Dio)
45 v.Chr.     Lollius Palikanus, Münzmeister unter Caesar s. Denar 1461 (DNP 18)
21 v.Chr.     (M)arcus Lollius,consul, erster Stadthalter in Galatien, 16 v.Chr. mit einer Niederlage in Germanien durch die Sugambrer bezeugt
135 n.Chr.     Q.Lollius Urbicus,Konsul, 139-142 erbaute er als Stadthalter den 2. Limes (Antoninuswall) in Britannien  

  Wer war Q(intus) Lollius Urbicus ?

Hier eine Inschrift zu Q. Lollius Urbicus auf einer Einweihungstafel des Limes in Britannien, die jetzt im Museum der Universität Newcastle liegt.

(Vgl.DNP Bd.7,1999) The name found the greatest distribution in England, Germany and France. Within the 500 years Roman Age in Britannia the surname resulted . for Loll without ius the epigraphischen testimonials the names Loll (ius) are found in this


RIB - ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS OF BRITAIN -. Hinzu kommen die Ergebnisse aus den Funden der Archäologen u.a. Hier einige der nachgewiesenen aus späterer Zeit:

1251     Lady Lollesworth (Lollworth/Cambridge, Farm der Lolls)
1284     Farm of Lull in Lulworth/Dorset, England
153x     Vincent Loll geb.?, 1561 Heirat mit Agnes Gray in St. Mary,Sandwich/Kent, 

Weitere Namen für England finden sich in den "Domesday books".

In the 16. Century a lot of Protestant Scots emigrated to Pomerania. (Cp. AN HISTORICAL ATLAS OF SCOTLAND c. 400- c.1600, hgg. Peter McNeill and Ranald Nichilson 1980 St. Andrews Chap. 63 and Maps 115,117) From 1567 a lot Scottish- people went to Denmark and Sweden (with James Hepburn, killed Darnley the second husband from Mary Stuart). In the army at king "Gustav Adolf II" in the "30 jährigen Krieg" it took own Scotch-regiments. Parts therefrom after them will stay at Pomerania. In Germany the familyname Loll and Lull at a first time is record listed at i

155x-1564 Simon Lull, Prediger in Budow (Vgl. BOTTKE, Heimatbuch des Landkreises Stolp 1926 Verlag P. Albrecht Stolp)
1650 George Loll *1650g (Kirchenbuch von Zaue/Spreewald
1688 Hans Loll * ca.166x, als Pate am 09.11.1688 im Kirchenbuch der St. Marienkirche in Schlawe/Pommern (1618-1720)
1717 Söhne von George Loll in Steuerliste für Budow, Gallensow usw.

The biggest population from the name Loll and Lull occurred in Pommern. Now the Pomeranian Lolls (after the 2. world war the totally Lolls and Lulls would driven out) are splintered over the whole country of Germany. In France their are Lolls since 1774. The roots are in the Alsace area. The oldest to me known person is Francois Joseph Loll from Niederbergheim France. More information about the Lolls in France and USA are in the „Lolls Book I,II,III and IV” written by (LOLL, William E.,Fullerton CA. in USA).

Loll und Lull

It is sure, that the familynames "Loll" and "Lull" have the same roots. There are four sources, independent from each, which say this. I personally know from alive Lolls in Dortmund, that their grandfather (through a hear mistake from the church clerk by writing the church record) he was called and written Lull than Loll. In the Pomeranian dialect always Loll will spoken as Lull. Today there are roundabout 3000 inhabitants in Germany with the familyname Loll or Lull. Further are there in the USA ca. 2000 and in France 1500 Lolls and Lulls. The emigrant to the USA comes from France, Pomerania, Poland and some from Denmark (Riebe). The people in the UK and Scotland are not collected.


In case of the high losses in historic papers, Civil statistic books, Church records etc. in the 2. Ware, is a complete record from one generation to the next impossible. In some counties (as in Sageritz, Mahnwitz ore Stolp) are 85 % of the official papers destroyed.


As Lollarden were named the fans of J. Wiclif in the 14. and 15. Century. An association with the familyname Loll could not be found.


Lolland or Laaland is one of the four big islands in Denmark. A relation to our familynames is not given.

Other synonyms

Jean-Baptiste Lully *1632 in Florenz + 1687 in Paris.


The naming is part of the respective culture of her time. Here a cultural testimonial from the 4th century B.C. since the name Loll comes from one of the cultures of the Mediterranean of high standing (most names became the beginning of the roman empire, written for the lollii Greek also)
It is the statue of the goddess EIRENE of Kephisodotos from which the original at 375 B.C. has confessed on the Agora in Athens.

Eirene - Friedensgöttin

(Das Foto ist von einer Kopie, die im Archäologischen Institut der Universität Göttingen steht.)

Only some which I want to mention here are the uniqueness and today the system with surnames and several Christian names the naming of the Roemer, the Tria nouns, in the Middle Ages. The name got along with the romans he came to Catalonia (Majorca) and to the Alsace from the Mediterranean to Britannia with the pilgrims from England to Rome and over the Jacobsweg to Santiago de Compostella in the early Middle Ages in the second century. He also has hiked of England and Scotland to Denmark and Pomeranians in the 16th century. Caused by wars and the religion fights in Britannia and the religious freedom at the Hohenzollern and in Pomeranians.
With the historians of the ancient history it is actually normal that the tradition is not complete. The miserable source situation does not allow a conclusive proof but research gives many notes for well-founded assumptions. The existence is also included the names Loll over three millennia.

Stand 06.11.2007
fritz loll

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